You can play popular 2-player Domino games: Five-Up (All Fives), Block and Draw Domino online. Dominoes games and tournaments are played against real people worldwide.
Dominoes is a game for 2 players consisting double six set of 28 dominos, each player gets 7 (or 9) dominos. There are 3 versions of online domino games: Five-Up (Muggins or All Fives), Draw and Block.
Dominoes players lay off tiles (domino bones) which have a number of pips that matches one of the exposed ends of the chain. Play may proceed off both ends of the chain, or optionally from the exposed ends of the first double (spinner).
Object of the Game is to be the first person to attain the agreed-upon number of points (100 - 500). Points may be awarded during the play of the hand by making the exposed ends of the chain total to a multiple of five (in Five-Up).
The winner at the end of each hand also scores points for all the pips remaining in the other player's hand. Players can also select between 7-bone hand and 9-bone hand.
You can play internet multiplayer Domino games and tournaments online for free or for money prizes with friends or with other real opponents.
Try New! Dominoes HTML5 game to play in browser online for all platforms - desktop, android, apple, win phone - phones and tablets. See more Dominoes HTML5 game
To play Dominoes on iPhone, iPad or on Android or WinPhone login and select "green app" or "blue app" in Dominoes playing room list. HTML5 game allows you to play without installation.
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