Rubl.com Games has updated its Gin Rummy - to add more useful features and more functionality to its online Gin-Rummy games.
Big or small card set selection - according to screen resolution, selected automatically, but you can change it by resizing the playing window - gin-rummy table.
Video chat with opponent player - now you can see the live video translation of your opponent and translate your own video from your camera to the opponent player - this option is useful for Gin Rummy tournaments and money games to see your opponent online. To start a video chat press "video chat" button in the right part of the gaming window and wait for opponent confirmation. If you do not have a video camera you can still see your opponent if he/she agrees to translate live video. This option available for players only and during a game.
Sound management - you can switch on and off all the gaming sounds in Gin Rummy by one click on the "sound" icon in the left part of Gin rummy window - this is useful while listening some music during a game.
Many other internal improvemens, including connection to gin servers, gaming options, font and visual modifications
Gin rummy, or gin, is a simple and popular two-player card game of the rummy card game family. Rubl.com provides free or money online gin-rummy games, gin-rummy tournaments, ranking and ladder system for gin-rummy and for other card, board and arcade games.