Remember, you can play 2-player games such as Cribbage, Gin Rummy, Backgammon, Dominoes, Spades or Canasta for free all the time without limitations. But you may want to add some thrill to your gaming to play the same games for Tickets (so called Mini-Tournaments) or you may want to join Big Tournaments in all these games. Maybe also you have spent all the Bonus Tickets in Arcade and Solitaire games, such as Tri-Peaks, Pyramid-13, Klondike Solitaire, Darts, Mahjong or Rush-21 and want to buy more to compete for the best score with the other players or to join Daily or Monthly JackPot tournaments.
To do it you will need to buy playing Tickets and the easiest way is to use PayPal. If you don't have PayPal account you can visit PayPal site and complete PayPal sign-up procedure. It's not difficult - press "Sign Up Now!" button on the first page. After e-mail confirmation and completing registration procedure you can use PayPal to buy playing Tickets.
To buy playing Tickets at you must be logged in first. From the game rooms page select "Buy $Tickets" link
Then on the tickets purchasing screen select the required amount of Tickets to buy from a drop-down list (for example 10 Tickets by default)
and press button "Pay via PayPal". If it is your first Tickets purchasing you will need to enter your phone number for your future security.
A new window will be opened - from secure PayPal site. You will need to login to your PayPal account to make Tickets purchasing.
After successful login to your PayPal account you will see your payment details and the item to buy
(the amount of tickets you have selected on Tickets purchasing screen). Please review the payment details and click "Pay" to
complete your secure payment.
You could use $Tickets to enter any Tournament with a Cash Prize. For example, if you had 15 $Tickets in your account, you could use them to enter three 5-$Ticket Tournaments or one 15-$Ticket Tournament. You can convert $Tickets that are unused and/or those you have won into Cash (1 $Ticket = $1 USD) - the amount will be sent to you at your request. There are no cash-out fees.
To read more about cash games read Internet Cash Games article To read more about Tickets read Tournament Tickets article