Poker-Rush Solitaire essential
Poker Rush Solitaire is a Solitaire-style game of Skill with a familiar Poker-like twist played against Other Real People competing for Top Score. The game played with 2 standard 54 card decks (with Jokers).
The object of the game is to achieve a high score by assembling and scoring multiple poker hands.
A player can elect to score each hand on the 1st, 2nd or 3rd draw. No discards are allowed after the 3rd draw.
The game is played until 2 decks are over or until the game time expires.
Poker-Rush Tournament score
During the game players collect the well-known card combinations, that have different score:
- Natural Royal Flush: 600 pts.
- Joker Royal Flush: 500 pts.
- Five of a Kind: 400 pts.
- Straight Flush: 300 pts.
- Four of a Kind: 200 pts.
- Full House: 140 pts.
- Flush: 120 pts.
- Straight: 80 pts.
- Three of a Kind: 80 pts.
- Two Pairs: 20 pts.
- Pair: 10 pts.
Winning in online Poker-Rush tournament
In online Poker-Rush Tournaments, you can play and compete against other players.
A player who gets the highest score in a Tournament wins and gets the Guaranteed $Prize Pot.
Note, that Poker Rush differs from well-known casino-style poker games. As opposed to casino-style Video Poker (which is played against the House), Poker-Rush is a game of Skill,
played against other real people competing for Top Score.

The types of online Poker-Rush tournaments
$Ticket Online Poker-Rush Tournaments can be either Instant $Prizes or Jackpot Tournaments.
Instant $Prizes Tournaments involve a pre-set number of participants (between 2 and 10, but most of Poker-Rush tournaments at have 2-4 participants ).
The tournament ends when the last player finishes his/her game. Top score earns a guaranteed $Prize.
You can see the number of the tournament participants in "Players" column - right to "Play now" button on the page with the current Poker-Rush tournaments list.
Jackpot Tournaments end at a pre-set Finish time. For Progressive Jackpot tournaments, the jackpot grows as each player enters the Tournament.
The more players, the bigger the prize JackPot. A handy link next to every Progressive Jackpot Tournament illustrates $Prize Jackpot and its distribution
(as it varies with different number of participants). For example, initially set to $300 JackPot can grow to $1500 to the end of the tournament.
Currently at we have two most popular JackPot tournaments - Daily on-line Poker-Rush Solitaire tournaments and Monthly on-line Poker-Rush Solitaire tournaments.
The money Prize pot is distributed among several winners, see "jackpot" link for more information.
How to join and play online Poker-Rush tournament
Players can use their Tickets as an entry fee for Poker-Rush Solitaire Tournaments.
Some tournaments are held for Bonus Tickets, other ones are for the real money Tickets.
Tournaments have a variety of entry fees listed.
You'll see multiple tournaments with their entry fees listed. Select a tournament in your price range, and join.
For example there can be 2-player tournaments (see "Players" column) for 0.25, 1 or 3 Tickets (see "Entry Fee" column).
If you have enough Tickets on your account to pay entry fee press "Play now" button against your selected Poker-Rush tournament.
After the game loading you will have to agree one more time to start the tournament Poker-Rush game.
How do I find out if I won?
Once you complete the Poker-Rush Solitaire tournament, you will be automatically directed to the Tournament Standings page for this Tournament.
It may take some time for your opponents to fill up the tournament and finish their games there
(especially in Jackpot tournaments, that can last days).
In this case, the Tournament Standings page will display that winner has not been declared yet.
At any other time, you can also view the tournaments that you've participated in by selecting the "Manage Account" button,
then selecting "View My Completed Tournaments". While the tournament is in progress,
only players who have registered for the tournament can view that tournament's standings.
If you won a Tournament, you'll be notified by email and the Prize will be automatically deposited into your personal Account.
You can also view the winners of each tournament you participate in by selecting the "Manage Account" link,
and then selecting the "View my Completed Tournaments link.
How soon will I see my winnings?
After you win in an Instant $Prizes Poker-Rush Tournament, the winnings will be added to your account and
your winner email will be sent as soon as the last player completes his or her game.
After you win in a Jackpot $Prizes Poker-Rush Tournament, the winnings will be added to your account and
winner emails sent 20 minutes after the published closing time.
It may take up to 10 minutes after the published finish time to close Jackpot $Prizes Tournaments.
Play Poker-Rush Solitaire Online. Poker-Rush Tournaments